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سال انتشار : 2016

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3. Negotiation strategy 

Walton and McKersie (1965) described two different negotiation strategies: distributive strategy, which refers to the behaviors negotiators use when they are focused on claiming as much value as possible for themselves; and integrative strategy, which refers to behaviors negotiators use when they are focused on creating value and claiming value. Weingart et al. (1990) operationalized these two different strategies by coding transcripts of negotiations. They had three major findings. (1) Distributive (claiming) strategy consists primarily of attempts to influence the counterpart to make concessions by using threats and emotional appeals, and single issue offers. (2) Integrative (creating) strategy consists primarily of sharing information about interests and priorities and then fashioning tradeoffs (logrolling) to generate high joint gains. Subsequent research revealed that many negotiators generate high joint gains by consolidating information about interests and priorities that they gain during the first half of the negotiation into multi-issue offers that incorporate trade-offs in the second half of the negotiation (Adair & Brett, 2005; Liu & Wilson, 2011; Olekalns & Smith, 2000). (3) Negotiators primarily using distributive strategy claim more value than those who engage in less distributive strategy, but typically fail to identify tradeoffs that would have created value. Negotiators primarily using integrative strategy create more value than negotiators primarily using distributive strategy. A recent meta-analysis of 18 studies of negotiation strategy confirms these findings (Kong, Dirks, & Ferrin, 2014). 3.1. Distributive strategy Scholars have described three different distributive strategies: take-it-or-leave-it, objective or fair standards, and first offers and bargaining. Harnett and Cummings (1980) documented the takeit-or-leave-it distributive strategy, also called Boulwarism. They found that in Europe, the U.S., and East Asia, negotiators faced with opening offers framed as take-it-or-leave-it typically rejected such offers even when the offer was better than their best alternative. Objective standards, as described by Fisher, Ury, and Patton (2011) refer to comparisons a negotiator might use to justify the fairness of his offer. Objective standards are a distributive strategy because the intent is to influence the counterpart to make concessions. Objective standards have been studied indirectly by scholars who measure or code the use of influence in negotiations (e.g., Adair & Brett, 2005; Gunia, Brett, Nandkeolyar, & Kamdar, 2011; Weingart et al., 1990). The most influential research on distributive strategy is a series of studies by Galinsky and colleagues (Galinsky & Mussweiler, 2001; Gunia, Swaab, Sivanathan, & Galinsky, 2013) on the anchoring effect of first offers used in bargaining strategy. Bargaining strategy follows the principle of start high/low depending on your role and concede only enough to avoid impasse. First offers, whether in a single or multiple issue negotiation, strongly influence the ultimate outcome, because the counterpart ‘‘anchors” on the opening offer. The underlying psychological reason for the first offer advantage is that counterparts insufficiently adjust for the strategic, self-interested positioning of the first offer

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کلمات کلیدی:

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