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عنوان فارسی مقاله:

سرمایه انسانی و استقامت استراتژیک: بازرسی کارگران کم کار در دو اقتصاد نوظهور

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Human capital and strategic persistence: An examination of underperforming workers in two emerging economies

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Explanations for persistence with underperforming workers: a unified perspective

 For analytical clarity, underperforming workers are employees who have consistently performed below targets or previously agreed benchmarks over a period of time in their organisation (Shein, 2011). The underperformance has often been documented through a series of reviews by his or her line manager (Shein, 2011; Taylor, 1998). Some of the characteristics of such employees include lack of up-to-date communication skills, and lack of knowledge and expertise to perform in the current role (Taylor, 1998). Underperforming workers have been referred to as underperforming human resources or incompetent workers (Shein, 2011; Taylor, 1998). Four important streams of research are utilised to provide the foundation towards a better understanding of persistence with underperforming workers. First, we adopt the concept of the paradox of success (Audia et al., 2000; Miller, 1990) to develop a novel perspective on persistence with underperforming workers. The paradox of success is rooted in the “belief that a previously winning course of action will succeed in the future” (Audia et al., 2000, p. 850). A key tenet is that the workers develop what can be referred to as “idiosyncrasy credit” (Hollander, 1958) through their past performances, support and contributions to the past successes of the firm. Over time, this enables them to gain favourable or less severe consequences for persistent underperformance within the firm. The managers' confidence in employees' ability to replicate past successful performance leads to persistence with such workers. Another key premise of this line of research is that during their period of employment, underperforming workers build networks of relations and ties which enable them to form an emotional and psychological bond with the decision-maker. Over time, it becomes difficult to disentangle the links with their line managers in the wake of persistent underperformance (see Amason & Mooney, 2008). By cultivating personal and workplace ties with powerful political actors, such workers are able to influence or curtail the consequence of their actions when dealing with underperformance (Forstenlechner & Mellahi, 2011). Related to this is the literature on nepotism/cronyism. Past studies have demonstrated that in many societies in emerging economies, nepotism and cronyism remain key features of employment relations, which ultimately influences managerial decisions and firm performances (Kamoche, 2000; Mekonan & Mamman, 2003; Ovadje & Ankomah, 2001). A body of research has suggested that hiring employees' relatives instead of more qualified and unrelated applicants is prevalent and often justified on the basis that it helps to strengthen employees' loyalty (Ovadje & Ankomah, 2001; Peng, 2014). Indeed, cronies have been shown to be “unreservedly loyal” and fully committed to the agenda of their sponsor (Ovadje & Ankomah, 2001). Studies have indicated that the existence of nepotism/cronyism can curtail organisational decision-makers' actions and therefore their ability to act in the wake of underperformance (Mamman, Baydoun, & Adeoye, 2009; Ovadje & Ankomah, 2001). A growing body of research suggests family businesses tendency to recruit relatives often deprive them of the opportunity to hire top talents (Bertrand & Schoar, 2006). The close family ties then create barrier to weeding out underperforming relatives (Bertrand & Schoar, 2006).

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