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سازمان تعاونی به عنوان موتور توسعه اقتصادی عادلانه روستایی

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Cooperative organizations as an engine of equitable rural economic development

سال انتشار : 2015

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله سازمان تعاونی به عنوان توسعه اقتصادی روستایی اینجا کلیک نمایید.

مقدمه انگلیسی مقاله:

1. Introduction

Co-operative organizational forms represent an alternative to large-scale corporate farms and plantations as well as to independent unaffiliated small private farms. Co-operatives also represent an alternative to farmers as independent marketers of their products and purchasers of their inputs. This is analogous to the alternative provided by co-operatives, more generally, to traditional investor owned corporations. But what is unique to agriculture, especially in less developed economies, but also still somewhat the case in the more developed economies, is that small farms are of critical importance in agriculture whilst larger farm units often represent a competitive threat to relatively small independent family owned farms. Co-operatives represent a means to maintain the independence of these farms. At the same time, co-operatives provide the means for small farms to remain or become competitive through producing relatively efficiently in terms of high levels of productivity per unit of input and higher levels of quality per unit of output. An alternative means of remaining competitive is for small farmers to cut their real income to keep costs and thereby prices down to competitive levels. But this would reduce the farm family’s standard of living and potentially push the family into poverty. An important issue raised in this article is to what extent are cooperatives substitutes for traditional investor-owned farms as productive and competitive economic entities? Related to this, can co-operatives provide an alternative to the larger investor-owned farms? Can agricultural co-operatives replicate or better the assumedcompetitive attributesofthe larger investor-owned farms? Moreover, can agricultural co-operatives deliver on economic performance whilst generating higher levels of economic wellbeing to its members as compared to what’s typically on offer in the larger investor owned farm in terms income and working conditions to employees. This would be apart from higher levels of social wellbeing that somemight derive frombeing a member/owner of an economically productive and sustainable co-operative (IFAD, 2011). It is also important to note the significance of cooperatives in agricultural sectors throughoutthe world in bothdevelopedand less developed economies (Altman, 2009a; ICA, 2014; United Nations, 2014). This speaks to the relative success of agriculture cooperatives, which requires explanation in face of the negative modeling scenarios and predictions flowing from standard economic theory. Estimates on the importance of agriculture cooperatives aren’t unambiguously rigorous, but the available evidence suggests that such cooperatives are of importance to various economies’ agricultural sectors. In many countries, including the United States, a large majority offarmers are members of agricultural cooperatives (ICA, 2014)

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کلمات کلیدی:

Cooperative Organizations as an Engine of Equitable ... - IDEAS/RePEc https://ideas.repec.org/p/nbz/nbsuon/2015_1.html by M Altman - ‎2015 - ‎Cited by 7 - ‎Related articles Mar 5, 2015 - This paper presents a comparative modeling narrative on cooperative organizational forms' potential impact on equitable rural development. Cooperative organizations as an engine of equitable rural ... - مدیریو https://modirio.com › کتابخانه Translate this page Rating: 5 - ‎128 reviews Cooperative organizations as an engine of equitable rural economic development. Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management; Year: 2015 Vol 3 ... [PDF]SEF Working paper: 10/2014 - Victoria University of Wellington www.victoria.ac.nz/sef/research/pdf/2014-papers/SEF-Working-Paper-10-2014.pdf by M Altman - ‎Related articles Oct 3, 2014 - SEF Working paper: 10/2014. Cooperative organizations as an engine of equitable rural economic development. Morris Altman. School of ... Cooperative Service Through Consolidations, Mergers, and Contracts: ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=0763742112 Jack W. Snook, ‎Jeffrey D. Johnson - 1997 - ‎Medical The last thing you want to do is put names in boxes on organizational charts. ... Questions such as, "Can I still use the fire engine in the parade? ... Is one organization subsidizing the other organization and is this an equitable deal for all? Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rochdale_Society_of_Equitable_Pioneers The Rochdale Society of Equitable Pioneers, founded in 1844, was an early consumer co-operative, and one of the first to pay a patronage dividend, forming the ... Research: a National Resource ... - Page 62 - Google Books Result https://books.google.com/books?id=7kMrAAAAYAAJ United States. National Resources Committee. Science Committee - 1938 - ‎Research In one such case, the business organization works very closely with an agency of ... As another example of such cooperative research, it was found that the policy of a ... Changes in motorcar-engine efficiency, naturally, affect the consumption of ... of more efficient operating methods or in the setting of equitable piece rates. The Routledge Companion to Alternative Organization https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1135005397 Martin Parker, ‎George Cheney, ‎Professor Department of Communication George Cheney - 2014 - ‎Business & Economics The Mondragon co-operatives, now a major economic engine of the Basque Country, had let go ... This is a test not only of the cooperative system but also of the larger ... Makes possible meeting a human need in a fair and equitable manner.