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ایده های خلاقیت: جذب کاربران عادی در مرحله ایده ای از توسعه محصول جدید

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Crowdsourcing ideas: Involving ordinary users in the ideation phase of new product development

سال انتشار : 2016

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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Theoretical background

 Idea crowdsourcing can be seen as a part of Chesbrough’s Open Innovation Paradigm, which assumes that companies can and should also use external ideas for their innovation purposes (Chesbrough, 2003). This process is mostly referred to as inbound open innovation (Huizingh, 2011). In the case of crowdsourcing, however, the process builds upon the external ideas of individuals and not of other organizations, such as universities or suppliers (West and Bogers, 2014). To crowdsource ideas for new products, companies can either set up their own online platform to obtain ideas or use an intermediary platform for this purpose. In contrast to ideation which takes place in open source or user innovation communities, it is the crowdsourcing company which controls the ideation process, observes and analyses the user communication and discussion of the ideas suggested and finally decides which ideas will be developed further. The commercialization of the new products is also carried out by the company. The crowdsourcing company also needs to decide whether to use a temporary online idea contest or a long-term open idea call. In our study we focus on the latter.2.1. The value of crowdsourced ideas Online idea crowdsourcing is likely to generate a largenumber of verydifferentideas, especially ifitis carriedout as a fairlyunspecific call that is open to all ordinary users (Blohm et al., 2013). The company then has to filter them with tremendous effort to identify the ones they consider most valuable and therefore worth implementing (Poetz and Schreier, 2012). However, the detection of these potentially valuable ideas is crucial if the crowdsourcing of user ideas is to lead to new products. Thus far, however, little is known about the factors determining which crowdsourced ideas are likely to be implemented. Walter and Back (2011) for instance found that the duration of online idea contests or the strength of the brand have no effect on the average quality of the generated ideas—with the quality being assessed via a crowdsourced rating among the platform users. Moreover, they found that higher rewards offered to successful ideators only lead to a better quality of ideas when offered in highly specific idea contests. In another study Nishikawa et al. (2013) compared the eventual market success of user ideas generated via an idea crowdsourcing platform with those generated by designers. They revealed that products based on the chosen user ideas performed better on the market in terms of sales revenues and were more likely to still be on the market three years after introduction. However, these studies do not provide insight into the characteristics of those ideas that will be implemented by the company.

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