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استراتژی های تبلیغاتی برای محصولات با تکنولوژی بالا: اثرات نوآوری مصرف کننده و محصول

عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:

Branding strategies for high-technology products: The effects of consumer and product innovativeness

سال انتشار : 2016

برای دانلود رایگان مقاله استراتژی تبلیغ برای محصول اینجا کلیک نمایید.

بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی:

2. Theoretical background 

The Dowling and Staelin (1994) framework identifies perceived risk in new product purchases as comprising both category-specific risk and product-specific risk. Consumers deal with unacceptable levels of risk by engaging in risk-reducing strategies (e.g., seeking a known brand). The need to engage in such strategies is a function of one's level of acceptable risk or risk tolerance. Individuals with higher levels of consumer innovativeness have higher thresholds for perceived risk and thus are less likely to engage in risk reduction strategies (i.e., rely less on known brands and perhaps exhibit relatively more favorable responses to new brands). The Dowling and Staelin model is compatible with the conflict theory model of decision making (Janis & Mann, 1977), the informationprocessing paradigm of consumer choice (Bettman, 1979), and economically based search models (Stigler, 1961). 2.1. Consumer perceived risk and risk reduction strategies Perceived risk reflects consumers' perceptions of the uncertainty and adverse consequences of transactions (Bauer, 1960). This risk is common to new product purchase and can include financial risk, performance risk, psychological risk, time risk, physical risk, and social risk (Brooker, 1984; Jacoby & Kaplan, 1972). As mentioned, perceived risk comprises both category- and product-specific risk, which is analogous to Bettman's (1979) “inherent risk” and “handled risk.” Categoryspecific risk is the perceived risk in purchasing any product in a given product category. For example, a purchase in the mountain bike category is likely to carry more risk than a purchase in the bottled water category. Product-specific risk is associated with the particular product being considered in the product category. To illustrate, purchasing a mountain bike without a warranty is likely to carry more risk than purchasing a mountain bike with a warranty. To help cope with perceived risk, consumers engage in risk reduction strategies. Roselius (1971) identifies 11 methods of risk reduction. Namely, consumers try to reduce risk by relying on endorsements, brand loyalty, brand image/familiarity, private testing, store image, free samples, money-back guarantees, government testing, additional shopping, buying the most expensive product, and word of mouth. Roselius finds that a well-known brand is one of the most favored risk reduction strategies consumers employ. A well-known brand provides an implied promise that outcomes resulting from a new product purchase will be consistent with what consumers have historically associated with the brand (Erdem & Swait, 1998; Wernerfelt, 1988). With respect to brand extensions, consumers can draw on their experiences with and knowledge about other products affiliated with the brand to make inferences about what their experiences may be like with the new product. Even if consumers do not have extensive experience with the brand, an existing brand can still reduce perceived risk. By extending an established name to a new product, the brand acts as “collateral” for the quality of the new product (Wernerfelt, 1988). Given a highquality brand, consumers may reason that a company will not risk its prior investment by placing the brand name on a product of lower quality (DelVecchio & Smith, 2005; Smith & Park, 1992). Accordingly, a new product with a new brand name will likely carry more uncertainty and risk than a brand extension, assuming a fit between the brand and the new product. The extent to which consumers need to rely on a familiar brand as a risk reduction strategy depends on their innovativeness.

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